1108 Jefferson St, Alexandria VA 22314
Programs develop character, mental and physical fitness, and interpersonal skills. ASA is dedicated to ensuring that ALL kids who want to play, have the opportunity to find success both on and off the field.
Alexandria Soccer Association (ASA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, established in 1970 in Alexandria, Virginia. ASA offers soccer programs for citizens of all abilities and ages in the city limits of Alexandria, though our programming is open to ALL city residents and non-residents. ASA programs are intended to develop good character, mental and physical fitness, and interpersonal skills through soccer activities. Sportsmanship, social skills, and self-esteem are developed by player participation and regular interaction with volunteer and professional coaches.
Be the gold standard for community based soccer clubs — creating a lifelong love of soccer and impacting the community beyond the sport.
The mission of Alexandria Soccer Association is to provide high quality instructional soccer and futsal programs that develop and motivate citizens, build character, and make a positive impact on Alexandria and the surrounding communities.
Below is a comprehensive list of the programs we offer with information regarding competition level, season and age. Click through to learn more about each program.
Founded in 1970
Developing individuals beyond sport
Participants (youth and adult)
We love our home.
The office is located at 1108 Jefferson St, Alexandria, VA 22314. We are open Monday-Friday from 9 AM to 4 PM. The office can be reached via phone at 703.684.5425 or, send us an email at asasoc1@futsalpremier.wpengine.com.
Registrations can be done online, at the office (in person) or, if you already have an account with us, you can complete a registration over the phone. We strongly recommend that you create an account online before requesting to complete a registration over the phone. This ensures your information is accurate.
Two years old! We offer programs for all ages beginning with our Tots program (for 2 year olds) up through the Adult Leagues for participants 19+. We have programs for all skill levels.
ASA believes that every child, regardless of family financial situation, should have the opportunity to play soccer. Players who qualify for Free or Reduced Lunch at school are eligible for a 25% discount on ASA programs. For further assistance, please email asasoc1@futsalpremier.wpengine.com.
Healthy kids = healthy communities. Providing access to soccer & futsal for every child who wants to play!
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