Soccer Forever.
Soccer for Everyone.

We believe all children, no matter their skill level or financial situation, should have the opportunity to play soccer (& futsal!).

Making an Impact

ASA Staff read to coach, referee and cheer at the YIPs Championship match!

May 2024


After school soccer, field days, outreach events & more!

Sam, on the far left in his orange soccer cleats, poses at Witter with his ASA teammates!

Sam Kamara


From Sierra Leone to ASA, Sam's soccer journey.


Cora Kelly

After School

Highlights from our After School League at Cora Kelly.

In Alexandria & beyond



soccer and futsal
programs at ASA



participants across
all programs



dollars of scholarship
support given in 2023



kids playing free
after school soccer

To ensure All Kids have access

1 in 3 ASA participants need scholarship support in order to participant in core programming.

8 of 18 ACPS schools are classified as Title I, meaning they have a high concentration of students living under low-income circumstances.

Sports & fitness participation in the U.S.  is 15-25 percent lower for kids from low-income families.

Research shows that participating in youth sports can lead to immediate & long term benefits for kids, families & communities!

According to the UN, sport provides safe environments at the grassroots & community levels—participants learn values of respect, tolerance and fair play; and develop social competencies.

To our Nationally Recognized Programming